psychopathology abnormality

  • Created by: Eth01
  • Created on: 27-05-24 13:42



4 explainations 

deviation from ideal mental health - when the persons mental health does not line up with where it should. mark scheme definition abnormaility is the absence of the criteria for good mental health. the definiton gives critera for ideal mental health and states if they are not met it consitutes abnormality 

jahoda 1958 suggested that there is 6 catgories for indicating a person mental health. Jahoda suggests that these catgories define good mental health and to be lacking most of them would be abnormaility it functions like a continum like failure to function adequetly

the six charateristics 

  • ability to self actualise - grow and achieve as a person 
  • positive self perception acceptance of ones self 
  • accurate view of reality - how you view the world is not distorted 
  • ability to cope with stress - able to deal with it and move on 
  • environmetnal mastery -  can adapt to the environemnt you are in 
  • autonomy -independant control of behaviour 


+ it identifies characterisitics within the person insted of outside the person 

+ has real world practiacl applications when 6 critera used effectivly 

-   having all the critearea is not important in some societies due to differences in parenting and culture 

failure to function adequetley - when the pereson does not function as the rest…


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