Definitions of abnormality - Key words

  • Created by: Emily~99
  • Created on: 22-05-17 12:23
What is the definition of psychopathology?
The scientific study of mental illness or mental disorders including their classification and identification of the causes of mental disorders
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What is the definition of abnormality?
An undesirable state producing severe impairment in a person's social and personal functioning, often causing anguish
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What is the definition of social norms?
The explicit and implicit rules that specify what forms of behaviour, beliefs and attitudes are acceptable within a given society
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What is the definition of deviation from social norms?
Behaviour that dies not follow accepted patterns or unwritten social rules. Such violation is considered abnormal. These norms vary from culture to culture and from era to era
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What is the definition of failure to function adequately?
A model of abnormality based on an inability to cope with day-to-day life caused by psychological distress or discomfort
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What is the definition of statistical frequency?
Behaviours that are statistically rare or deviate from the average/statistical norm are classified as abnormal
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What is the definition of clinician/clinic psychologist?
A person who works in clinical psychology, concerned with the diagnosis and treatment of abnormal behaviour
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What is the definition of ideal mental health?
A state of contentment that we all strive to achieve
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What is the definition of humanistic psychology?
An approach to psychology that focuses on higher motivation, self-development and on each individual as unique
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What is the definition of self-actualisation?
Fulfilling one's potential in the broadest sense
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What is the definition of client-centred therapy?
A form of humanistic therapy introduced by Rogers and designed to increase the client's self-esteem and reduce incongruence between self and ideal self
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What is the definition of self-esteem?
The feelings that an individual has about himself or herself
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Card 2


An undesirable state producing severe impairment in a person's social and personal functioning, often causing anguish


What is the definition of abnormality?

Card 3


The explicit and implicit rules that specify what forms of behaviour, beliefs and attitudes are acceptable within a given society


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Card 4


Behaviour that dies not follow accepted patterns or unwritten social rules. Such violation is considered abnormal. These norms vary from culture to culture and from era to era


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Card 5


A model of abnormality based on an inability to cope with day-to-day life caused by psychological distress or discomfort


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