Prejudice and Motivational Analysis


Prejudice and Motivational Analysis

  • Introduction of 'Will to truth' – 1st philosophical prejudice. Central impulse which drives philosophers.

  • Faith in antithetical values - philosophers have attempted to show that valued/unvalued things are antithetical. Eg. Kantian Ethics

  • Consciousness has no role in thinking – is secretly directed … into definite channels by his instincts'

  • Instincts are physiological demands for the preservation of a particular kind of life. So There's a link between what a philosophers thinks, and the philsopher himself.

  • 'Behind all logic, too … there are value judgements'

  • This links to Will to truth. Nietzsche hinted that truth is somehow linked to its opposite – the subjective, individual view of the world...

  • So, here Nietzsche is arguing that there is no objective truth; the truth philosophy deals with is merely an extension of subjective truth – this is his doctrine of perspectivism

  • The majority of philosophers have tried to convince others that their subjective truth, based on instinct, is in fact objective.

  • We must 'recognise untruth as a condition of life', and that 'to renounce false judgements would be to renounce life'.

  • We don't object to judgements because they are false - value them depending on how far they are 'species preserving'.

  • In seeking to establish and guarantee


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