Physiology tut topics


What active hormones can be formed from the peptide precursor POMC? - pro-opiomelanocortin

ACTH: adrenocorticotropic hormone

CLIP: corticotropinlike intermediate lobe peptide

MSH: melanocyte-stimulating hormone

What difference would you expect to see in the cellular morphology of endocrine cells that secrete (a) peptide vs (b) steroid hormones? ]

Peptide hormones: dark stained vesicles near cell surface awaiting signal for exocytosis

Steroid hormones: cells may contain lipid droplets that can be used for de novo generation of steroid hormones

Which group of hormones is not stored prior to secretion?


Which of the following hormones is subject to posttranslational modification?

TSH- no streoid hormones

How would blockade of the pituitary portal circulation effect secretion of (a) follicle stimulating hormone, (b) prolactin, and (c) oxytocin?

(a) Follicle Stimulating Hormone (FSH) secretion is decreased

(b) Prolactin (PRL) secretion is decreased

(c) Oxytocin stays the same


Why is important to routinely measure urinary protein levels in patients with diabetes mellitus? Causes of protein in urine (Proteinuria): - poor kidney function (see physiology content last year) ◦ Prolonged elevation of glucose in blood → glucose in tissues such as liver and skeletal muscle, adipose tissue (under direction of insulin) ◦ Prolonged high glucose means its covalently linked to proteins (glycosylation) in the tissues → can…


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