Pevensey Castle


Pevensey castle was made for different reasons; stratedgy, tactics, defence, offence  and symbolism. These reasons were responsible for the main growth of William.

It was used for strategic and tactical reasons as it was position on a peninsula. This meant that the opposite side would find it very difficult to get to the castle with the normans, as all areas could be protected as they could only get in through a very small gap where the peninsula meets mainland. This gave a huge advantage to the normans.

It was used for defending and offending as it could house many soldiers/garrisons. This meant that they did not have to travel, and become exhausted and unfit to fight, which could damage the normans performance. It also had a tall lookout tower on top of a motte. This made…




thank you so much for this it's really helpful



thank youuuuuuu! really nicely summarised

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