P.E types of muscular contractions

  • Created by: Summer
  • Created on: 06-05-11 17:59

The role of Muscular Contraction:

In order to produce the vast range of movement of which our body is capable of, the body’s muscles wither shorten, lengthen or remain the same length while contracting.

Isometric Contraction= when a muscle increases in tension but there is no movement at the joint- Refers to those instances when the muscle is moving while contracting. When a muscle contracts there is no visible shortening or lengthening.

Example: when holding a barbell with the elbows flexed at 90 degree, the biceps contracts isometrically. 

This can be divided further into concentric and eccentric muscle action:

Concentric contraction= when a muscle shortens under tension producing movement around a joint. The force exerted is greater than the resistance. Contractions involve the muscle shortening


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