

Moving and Storing Heat

Heat is a measure of energy.

  • When a substance is heated, its particles gain Kinetic Energy.
  • The Kinetic energy makes particles of a solid vibrate vigorously and particles in a liquid/gas move quicker
  • Kinetic energy is what causes solids to melt and liquids to boil.
  • The unit of heat energy is Joules (J) and it is an absolute scale, meaning it cannot go below 0.

Temperature is a measure of hotness.

  • Temperature is the measure of average kinetic energy in the particles of a substance. 
  • The hotter something is, the higher its temperature is, meaning the higher its particles average amount of kinetic energy.
  • Temperature is measured in degrees celciu (0C) or farenheit (0F). These arent absolute scales as they can go below 0.

Energy tends to Flow from hot objects to cooler objects. 

E.G: warm radiators heat the cold air in the room.

If theres a difference in temperature between two objects/places, then energy will flow between them.

  • The greater the difference in temperature between the two objects/places, the faster the rate of cooling will be. 
  • E.G: a hot cup of coffee will cool down quicker in a cool room rather than a hot one.

Specific Heat Capacity

Specific Heat Capacity tells you how much energy stuff can store. 

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