Notes- In Paris With You


James Fenton

Modern poet

Famous for war and relationships poetry

This poem is combination of two

Uses double meanings and word play


Title- sounds romantic, nice, positive
Direct address 'you'- romance, affection, intimate

First lines- he is angry and bitter- feels cheated by break down of his last relationship.
'Don't'- used often through the poem- imperative: presents man as domineering possessive and controlling. Perhaps reason for break down of other relationships?

Semantic field of war

'Talking wounded'- pun on 'walking wounded'- how the narrator sees himself as someone who is feeling internal pain and suffers with every step

'Hostage'-feels trapped and at the mercy of something- or someone else. 

'Maroonded'- alone, trapped

Purposeful errors- throwback to the fact that he is drunk and presents him as bitter, his drunkness is posssibly the reason for this outburst in poem.

'But'- hopeful/ negative word. 

'You'- could be a female friend? Ex? Stranger?- ambiguous throughout poem, despite intimate poem.

'Yes'- answer to a question we don't hear- similar to a dramatic monologue.

'Bamboozled'- he is completely confused by what happened with his past partner- he feels completely fooled or cheated. He is the victim. 

'I'm on the rebound'- a relationship immediately after a break up to dull pain of break up- portrays him in a negative way ('I don't care where we are bound). 

'We' -  he doesn't presently see any love or future for the person he is in Paris with. 

'I'm in Paris with you'- 

If you stress the word 'Paris'- surprise at being in Paris, could be to shut up silent half of conversation.

Stress on 'you'- wouldn't be expected to be with him, -postive or negative- disbelief. 

Indent at verse 3- means that this verse does something different- the poet will stop moaning and reveal his meaning- Fenton's way of showing this stanza's important. 

'not'- emphasis- could be quoting…


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