Module B3- Living and growing

  • Created by: DemiRudd
  • Created on: 11-03-16 10:38


  • Carbonhdrate
  • Proteins 
  • Lipids (fats and oils)
  • Minerals 
  • Vitamins 
  • Fibres 
  • Water

A nutrient is a substance needed by organisms to stay alive and healthy. A healthy human diet involves seven different kinds of nutrient:


Use in the body

Good sources


To provide energy

Cereals, bread, pasta, rice and potatoes


For growth and repair

Fish, meat, eggs, beans, pulses and dairy products

Lipids (fats and oils)

To provide energy. Also to store energy in the body and insulate it against the cold.

Butter, oil and nuts


Needed in small amounts to maintain health

Salt, milk (for calcium) and liver (for iron)


Needed in small amounts to maintain health

Fruit, vegetables, dairy foods

Dietary fibre

To provide roughage to help to keep the food moving through the gut

Vegetables, bran


Needed for cells and body fluids

Water, fruit juice, milk

Energy needs

Each person needs a different amount of energy depending on factors such as:

  • gender (male or female)
  • age
  • amount of daily activity

If you look on the side of food packets you will see the food's energy content. This is usually measured in kilojoules, kJ. For example, a one-year-old baby needs 3850 kJ each day to continue to grow, whereas an adult Olympic swimmer in training needs 15,600 kJ each day. Someone who sits at a desk all day will need less food than their twin who climbs ladders all day to wash windows.

Too thin, too fat

If the amount of energy you get from your food is different from the amount of energy you need, your diet will be imbalanced:

  • Too little food you eat may cause you to be underweight 
  • Too much…


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