Middle Ages - Developments in Medicine (Q1)

  • Created by: AAeryn
  • Created on: 08-04-17 16:54



What is Alchemy?

  • Developed by Greeks hundered of years before
  • Early type of science in middle ages
    • Mixture of science, philosphy and mysticism
  • The belief that base metals could be turned into other meterials
    • In terms of medicine this meant: base metals could be turned into drugs and potions to cure disease or ease pain
    • Involved making herbal medicines contsaing precious gems or metals


  • No real impact on medical knowledge
  • Developed scientific ideas and techniques
    • Chemical Reactions 
    • Apparatus - flasks, beakers, funnels
    • Chemicals - Hydrochloric Acid, Sodium Carbonate


  • Based on superstitions and supernatural hunches

Zodiac Man Charts and Astrology

What is A Zodiac man Chart?

  • Important to medieval doctors
  • Gave details on how each part of the body was affected by the stars and planets
    • e.g Aries ruled the head - If patiens star sign is Aries doctors avoided cutting veins here. Same with pices and the feet.

What is Astrology?

  • Influence if Stars and planets on human events
  • Planets were though to cause disease
    • doctors expected to have good knowledge of planets, stars and its affect on health
  • Seen just as important as a physical examination
    • perhaps more so which sometimes led to no examination being preformed

Impact and limitations of both

  • No development in medical knowledge - COMPLETELY WRONG
  • Largely based on superstion - no scientific/natural ideas

The Theory


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