Living World - Case Studies



A - S M A L L - S C A L E - E C O S Y S T E M

An example of a small scale ecosystem is a pond: Sunlight is the main source of energy, this allows plants to convert energy by photosynthesis. These plants provide food for some animals, birds and fish, these are Herbivores. The other animals eat the animals that have eaten the plants, these are Carnivores. This process is called the food chain.clip_image0051.jpg

A - R I C H - P A R T - O F - T H E - W O R L D - W I T H - H O T - D E S E R T

Las Vegas is located in the Mojave Desert in North America. The Mojave Desert is one of the smallest and driest deserts in North America, receiving only 15 - 25 cm of rainfall per year. Las Vegas is a fast growing city, with population expected to double in the next 40 years. To meet the demand for water, Las Vegas diverts the water supply from Lake Mead on the Colorado River.


u s e s

650,000 people live in the Mojave Desert, the desert is also used for:

  • Tourism: visiting areas like Death Valley and Las Vegas.

  • Military:  testing airplanes and training troops (Area 51).

  • Hikers and rock climbers.

  • Off-road vehicles: quad bikes and motorcycles make use of the varied terrain.

  • Solar and wind energy generation.

  • Filmmakers: attracted by the scenery.

c h a l l e n g e s

The way the desert is used presents many challenges. The off-road vehicles damage the sensitive desert ecosystem. The growth of urban areas threatens the desert area, and pollutes the air. Fibre optic cables are routed through the desert connecting urban areas - disrupting the fragile ecosystem and allowing weeds to grow.

s u s t a i n a b l e - m a n a g e m e n t

The demand for water is high. The city officials have encouraged the use of recycled wastewater and the removal of water thirsty lawns by paying residents of the Mojave desert to remove them. Vouchers are given to residents of the Mojave desert to buy water efficient toilets and washing machines. Drip irrigation is encouraged as a method of watering plants, lawns, etc. Drip irrigation is far more sustainable than traditional sprinklers as the plants get fed directly and only the exact amount they need, so little water is wasted through evaporation.

Rules are in place to protect native species of plant and animals, strict rules on mining aim to reduce environmental damage. Roads have been made to minimize environmental damage from vehicles. Fenced off areas have been created for off-road driving meaning damage is  limited to those


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