Key Definitions for Aerobic energy system

  • Created by: Katie D
  • Created on: 06-05-11 12:28

Key Definitions for Aerobic energy system


Adenosine triphosphate (ATP) - our energy currency, found in all cells; when broken down it releases its stored energy.


Resynthesise - to rebuild/remake/make again. 


Aerobic - with oxygen.


Glucose - the main form of carbohyrate found in the body; dissolves in the blood; used as an energy source.


Energy sources - the substrates(starting chemicals) used to provide the ATP that is used for muscle contractions.


Glycogen - a stored form of carbohydrate found in the muscle and liver; used as an energy source.


Adipose tissue - special tissue made up of cells in which fats are stored; mainly found under the skin and surrounding major organs.


Triglycerides - main form of stored fats; used as an energy source.


Mitochondria - organelles (within the cell) where chemical reactions of aerobic production take place.


Anaerobic - a proccess that takes place without oxygen.


Glycolysis -


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