
  • Created by: Davidx
  • Created on: 06-04-15 20:23

ISO9000:2000 - Specifies the requirements for QMS and defines how an organisation manages quality. 

Origins - US Navy Polaris Submarine program 

Aim -  To ensure that products and services are safe, reliable and of good quality’


1. Quality management system

  • General requirements
  • Documentation requirements
  • Quality manual Control of documents

2. Management responsibilty 

  • Management commitment
  • Customer focus
  • Planning
  • Quality objectives
  • Quality management system planning Responsibility, authority and communication
  • Responsibility and authority 

3. Resource management

  • Provision of resources
  • Competence, awareness and training Infrastructure
  • Work environment

4. Product realization

  • Determination of requirements related to the product
  • Review of requirements related to the product
  • Customer communication
  • Design and development

5. Measurement, analysis and improvement

  • General Monitoring and measurement
  • Customer


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