Interpretations of Anne Boleyn



  • She was rumoured to have had six fingers (though this was only after her death as blow to Elizabeth I) 
  • Apparently had a 'wen' (boil/cyst)on her throat that she kept hidden with jewellery
  • Both accusations were made by Catholics mostly to 'prove' that Anne Boleyn was physically and morally deformed; any offspring of hers would be the same and unfit to rule. 
  • She spent a lot of her time as a teenager at French Court and thus learnt the art of seduction: she was incredibly vivacious and openly flirtatious which was scandalous in the 16th century. Her sexuality would have been seen as a thing of witchcraft.


  • She carried herself in the way a Frenchwoman would with a chic self-possession; the French were notorious for being sexually liberal with their capital being famous as the city of love.
  • When Anne returned to court from France in 1521, she was alluring and sleek, an aura of self control, oozing fertility while the aging Catherine of Aragon was really beginning to show that she was seven years Henry's senior; no longer the auburn-haired little beauty that she was in her youth. 
  • Anne refused to become just another one of Henry's mistresses, she refused to have sex with Henry, so his affections multiplied without satiation. 
  • Anne was an expert seductress. By refusing to give in to Henry, she had made a fool of


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