Influences on Parliament

  • Created by: Iwarner
  • Created on: 22-11-15 19:34

Law commission-

  • Was set up in 1965.

  • Independent body’s review an area of law in need of reform.

  • Topics can be referred by the Lord Chancellor on behalf of the government.

  • Publishes a consultation paper (current laws, problems, what need to be reformed and explanations of laws in other countries). 

  • Issues a final report (conclusion from research).

  • Often have a draft of a bill attached that needs to go before parliament.

  • Codification- bring together law on one topic into the same act. (Criminal code in 1985)

  • Repeal- Identify old acts that are no longer used. (Six acts relating to workhouses for the poor in 1667).


  • Areas of law are researched by legal experts.

  • Law commission consults before finalising proposals.

  • Whole areas of law can be considered, not just small issues.

  • If it rein acts a whole areas of law then it will all be under one act (Land registration act 2002).


  • Law commissions have to wait for parliament to reform act which can be a slow process (Offences against a person act- 5 years for government to issue a bill which did not proceed further in legislative process).

  • Not much time for pure law reform (limited time in parliament- financial matters).

  • When reforming law, government don’t have to consult commission. (Avoid research and legal knowledge).

  • Final law may be different to law commission’s proposals.


Political influence-

  • Each political party will have their own policies written in manifestos.

  • When elected into government, they will influence the laws they produce in parliament.

  • Manifestos persuade people to vote for them.

  • Parliament can make laws during and up to 5 years of being elected.

  • Announced in the queens speech.


  • Each political parties will have proposals ready if they are elected into government.

  • House of Commons have a majority vote therefore most of their laws proposed will be passed (Parliamentary act 1911- 1949).

  • Democratic as they are elected representatives.


  • Newly elected government can repeal or alter previous laws from past governments.

  • Constant changes in law which is costly.

  • Don’t have to follow manifestos when elected into government.

Public + media

  • A strong public opinion that can lead to a change in law.

  • The media help to highlight the issues that the public have.

  • Television, radio, newspapers and magazines.

  • They can criticise public policy and add to the weight of public opinion by offering free press.

  • 2009 expenses claims made by MP’S were published in national newspapers, causing pupil rage leading to parliament reforming the whole system.


  • Parliament can gain knowledge on publics’ opinions.

  •  Media is free

  • Public can criticise policy’s to help improve laws introduced by parliament.


  • Media can manipulate information. Not a realistic view of the public or government.

  • Knee-jerk reaction. Parliament can rush legislation, leading to errors in law and poorly written acts. (Dangerous dogs act 1991)

      Pressure groups-

  • Groups that have a particular interest in certain matters, at try to gain the attention of the general public and the


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