Parliamentry Law Making

overview of topic


Role Of House Of Commons

  • Debate.
  • Scrutinise.
  • Vote on whether to approve laws proposed by government.
  • Democratic
  • Elected by public


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Role Of House Of Lords

  • approximately 700 members
  • unelected
  • unpaid
  • voluntary
  • born into the role or have a life achievement that has been recognised.
  • 26 bishops
  • some sit on specialist committees
  • amend
  • scrutinise
  • complement work of commons


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The Role Of The Queen

  • Opens each parliamentry session
  • Gives the royal assent to all legislation
  • Appoint and dismiss prime minister


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Types Of Bill

Public Bills

  • government bills - introduced by ministers- eg tax
  • private member bills - introduced by MPs or parliamentry back benchers

Private Bills

  • dont affect everyone - only certain people or locailities.
  • eg edward berry and doris elleen ward act, step father and step daughter marry

Hybrid Bills

  • combination of private and public.
  • only affect certain people but introduced by ministers
  • eg - the channel tunnel rail link act.
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Influences On Parliament


  • Covering the channels in which information is transmitted - Internet, TV etc.
  • as public gets there information from tv, newspaper it is inevitable that the media will influence public opinion.
  • media campaigns can raise awareness of problems, this will lead to pressure on the government to make changes eg - Jamie Oliver healthy schools.


  • Raises public awareness
  • raises government awareness - know what interests public


  • media can be politically biased - reporters may add there opinions
  • media can sensationalise issues in order to sell more copies
  • media can create public panic.


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Influences On Parliament

Pressure Groups

  • Pressure Groups are groups of people whose aim is to raise awareness about a particular issue and to put pressure on the government to change the law.
  • There are 2 types of pressure groups sectional and cause.
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Influences On Parliament

Sectional Pressure Groups

  • they exist to further the interests of a particular body of people.
  • Sectional Groups have a particular interest in common. for example, they may all work in the same profession. a sectional group works for the benefit of its members.
  • Examples of these are teachers union and national farmers.

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  • Government will listen to there views
  • raise public awareness - media, protests, petitions, campaigns, strikes.

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  • Biased for there cause
  • lead to criminal activity during protests
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Influences On Parliament

Cause Pressure Groups

  • Cause groups have a particular goal in mind. For example, they may want to help underprivileged children or to ban smoking in public places.
  • An interest group that attempts to influence legislation through the use of propaganda
  • Greenpeace is an example of an environmentally focused cause group.
  • other examples are fathers for justice and RSPCA.

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  • Raises public awareness

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  • Biased.
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Influences On Parliament

Law Commission

  • independent reform body
  • suggest proposals for changes in the law.

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  • politically neutral
  • expertise
  • keeps all areas of the law under review

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  • many of its recommendations are not implemented
  • lengthy process
  • may not be thorough enough
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