Humanistic Approach

  • Created by: Chrissy
  • Created on: 02-01-12 16:37


Maslow and Rogers are the two main psychologists who studied the humanistic approach.

- Reaching Self Actualisation - Reaching your full potential

- The humanistic approach is also known as the "third force in psychology" - it was a response to the dominant prospectives of psychodynamic and behaviourism psychology (these 2 approaches being the two main "forces" in psychology today)

Main Assumptions of the Humanistic Approach:

- Only concerned with indivdual's CONCIOUS experience

- Human beings are unique and should be valued as such



- Humans are active agents - they have FREE WILL

- Humans are INTENTIONAL - They seek meaning and value

 Maslow's Beliefs:

- All Human beings have certain NEEDS -these needs must be met in order for the person to self actualise

- We are born with an innate tendency to self actualise

- People seek fuflilment through change and personal growth 

Maslow's Hierarchy of Needs:

- Maslow suggested that certiain needs have to be met in order to achieve our full potential or self actualisation. Maslow stated that people seek fulfilment and change through personal growth

 -Physiological needs, safety needs, belongingness, love and esteem needs will therefore need to be met before supposedly being able to reach your full potential.

-Physiological, security, social, and esteem needs are deficiency needs  meaning that these needs arise due to deprivation.  - If these needs are not met, conditions such as mental illnesses - depression could occur.

-Maslow termed the highest-level of the pyramid as growth needs  Growth needs do not stem from a lack of something, but rather from a…


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