Humanistic Psychology

  • Created by: seyialugo
  • Created on: 26-09-16 13:41

Specification - Free will, Marslow's Hierachy and self-actualisation, focus on the self, congruence, the role of conditions of worth, the influence of counselling psychology and evaluation.

Free Will - Humans are self determining meaning that we are active agents who have the ability to determine our own development. This approach does however acknowledge the constraints of society such as social rules and morals restrict free will. Marslow and Rogers reject scientific models that have general principles of human behaviour, we are all unique active agents so psychology should concern itself with the study of subjective experience, not general laws (a person centred approach)

Marslow's Hierachy and self actualisation - There are 5 stages which explain people's behaviour and motivation. At the bottom is the most basic physiological needs such as food or oxygen. Next is safety and security, people strive to meet their personal safety needs through employment/stability/freedom of fear from any type of harm. The third level is establishing a sense of love and belongingness through friendships/relationships/intimacy. The fourth level is building self esteem this can be through anything from achievement to attaining status from others, all of the 4 stages are known as deficieny needs. The final level looks at achieveing self actualisation and having a desire to grow psychologically (growth need), the other levels must be achieved in order to get to this level. It is based on achieving full potential this can be through anything e.g creativity or having a good understanding of the world around them. Sometimes there are psychological barriers which prevent self-actualisation being reached.

The self - 'Self' refers to ideas and values that characterise 'I/Me', it is based on our perception. The feeling of self worth developed through childhood experiences of interactions with significant people in our lives such as parents. According to Rogers our psychological health is based on the way people percieve themselves and their sense of self worth. For personal growth to be achieved the individuals concept of self (the way they see themselves) must…


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