How the Consequences the Manchurian Crisis led to an International Crisis


Look at the consequences and write a paragraph describing why this became an international crisis?

You need to describe, explain and analyse how one development led to the other

Work out 3-4 key moments relevant to the question in chronological order. Include 1-2 historical facts for each moment and plenty of specific historical detail

Use phrases such as “this led to….” And “as a result…..” to help you link back to the questions.

……led to why the Manchurian Chris became an international crisis.

The Manchurian Crisis of 1931-1933 was a significant event that exposed the weaknesses of the League of Nations and contributed to an international crisis. Firstly, when Japan ignored the Lytton Report and left the League of Nations in 1933, it showed the League had no real power of enforcement. This led to other nations defying the League without fear of consequences, marking the beginning of the end…


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