How Successfuly did Germany's governments control the people in 1918-89 KT2

  • Created by: agracex
  • Created on: 01-05-24 10:22

How successfully did Weimar gov control the people?

It was difficult for the Weimar gov to control the people because it gave people freedom of speech and assembly allowing people to express opposition, and allowed the press freedom to print, so criticism of gov was open.

Ebert (1918-25) saw that without support, the gov would not be strong enough to deal with opp, so met with army + trade unions offering concessions for support.

Concession: A compromise to get what you want

Making concessions:

Ebert-Groener Pact (10 Nov 1918): Ebert agreed with new leader of the army that the army would support new gov as long as it would oppose left-wing ideas of parties in RS

Stinnes-Legein Agreement (15 Nov 1918): Ebert reached agrement with leader of labour unions Carl Legein + Industrialist Hugo Stinnes, for their support, E offered legislation on hrs of work + adequate union rep

Varying control in each region of G:

All regional govs eventually adopted const, but not at same time- added to uncertainty and meant in some places, possible for comm govs to be set up

Gov used Freikorps + army to restore order in these places using Reichsexekution

Reichsexekution: When the gov reoved the state gov + put a military gov in place- how the gov dealt with comm govs in Saxony + Thuringa in 1922, troops marched in and made arrests.


Ebert's concessions tended to paper over, rather than resolve tensions- half-hearted agreements 

The army never really supported the Republic + sometimes did not act against right-wing groups (Kapp Putsch) + Judiciary less harsh…


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