South Africa KT1

  • Created by: GraceM01
  • Created on: 03-03-20 10:00
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  • Life in SA c.1948
    • Race
      • 'Coloured' people and indians were categorized- shaped key rights like rights to vote
      • Africans-separation between zulus and tswana language. Challenge in 20th century= to create a common African identity.
      • Whites- most common= Afrikaners and those of British descent.
        • Afrikaner pop= 60% of whites were from Dutch, French and German descent
      • Coloured and Indians- included descendants of Sans or Khoikhoi. were about 9% of population. mostly spoke Afrikaans
    • Segregation and discrimination
      • MPs and most of electorate were white, with a small exception for 'coloureds' and Africans. Most African people were forced to live in segregated areas known as Townships.
    • Urbanisation, industrialisation and townships
      • Urban. and indust.
        • Gold discovered in Transvaal in 1886- mines needed workers and city grew from nothing in 1886 to 100,000 in 1900. By 1948- African pop. outweighed whites for the 1st time
        • Gold mines= motor of economy, gradually grew to textiles, clothing, food and machinery
        • Majority of Africans lived in countryside, majority of whites lived in towns/cities. 'Poor white problem' became a particular concern for gov. and churches= determined that whites should be separated
          • Many absorbed to railways and poor whites had right to vote- Nationalists appealed to them (promise of employment in gov. services and factories)
        • TOWNSHIPS- gov. before 1948= keen to maintain cities as predominantly white, but influx of migrants= too large. Townships given to blacks on outskirts of cities. Biggest became Soweto. land rights were tenuous and sanitation poor.
    • Rural Society
      • By 1948- landownership was deeply divided by race and class. Whites owned over 80% of land and blacks worked on the farms.
        • SA became modernised, wore modern clothes and had modern tastes.
    • Afrikaner culture and politics
      • Smuts (United Party) attempted to unify the white pop. within the British Empire. some Afrikaners were resentful of British influence. Malan forms National Party + Afrikaners were deeply divided between the  2 groups.
      • 1920s and 30s= increase in Afrikaner Culture.
        • Creating new communities in towns (often in Afrikaans speaking suburbs)
    • Influence of Britain
      • 1948- SA= self governing part of British Empire. People of British descent= 40% of white pop. SA joined ww2 to fight alongside Britain- Afrikaners didn't like this.


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