KT2b - opposition


Workers 1

AII -People's will (effective - 1870 first recorded industrial strike by workers

AIII - People's will (ineffective) - 150 arrested - Lenins brother 1887

N - Bloody sunday 1905 - 1912 lena goldfeild massacre 

PG - Bolsheviks (effective)

L - 1918 assassination attempt by a worker 

S - The shankty trial 1928 (a trial of workers for sabotage) - 50 arrested 

K - Novocherkask (1962) - 50 arrested - food riot

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Internal 2

AII - Nobility (opposed emancipation) - fails but do get redemption duties 


N - Rasputin's opponants - dumas1917 refused to disband when it was demanded - 4th duma becomes elements og the pg - Potemkin battleship mutiny (1905)

PG - Petrograd soviet - successful to an extent - Kornilov coup 1917 (failed) 

L - Mensheviks & SR's (unsuccessful) - 1921 ban on factions 

S - Trotsky killed 1940 - Kirov killed 1934 - Purges 1936-38 - show trials - doctors plot (1936) - trial of the - Bukharin 

K - Brezhnev 1964 successfully removed Khruschev - Beria killed in 1953

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Peasentas 3

AII - The Narnodiks (failed) - not organised - trial of 193 (1877)

AIII - No organised opposition 

N - Union of peasents 1905 - achieved very little - volga uprising (1907)

PG - Land seizures & demand for land (1917)

L - Greens - V organised 

S - Kulaks (failed)

K - 

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Nationalities 4

AII - 1963 Polish revolt (not effective)

AIII - National democrats emerge - Russification - attacks on jews - ukranian language

N - 1905 Ukranian enlightenment group set up 

PG - Finland & Ukrane demanded independence & succeesed (1917) 

L - Regains Ukrain - 1917 decree on nationalities - Georgia gains independence in 1920 (regained in 1921) 

S - 1936 constitution purges of poles & ukrainians especially after ww2 - Katyn opposition to invasion 1940 

K- Hungary revolt 1956 (not effective)

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