History - Cold War - Crises - 1958-70


1. Berlin

  • Refugee problem, Krushchev's ultimatum and the summit meetings:
  • In East Germany, people recieved a lot less aid and money than the West. People began moving to the West for better living, however East Germany couldn't develope as engineers, technicians and teachers moved to West Germany for better pay.
  • 27th November 1958 Khrushcev issued his Berlin Ultimatum. He demanded that:
  • Berlin should be demilitarised and Western troops withdrawn.
  • Berlin should be a free city (independant government).
  • Construction of the Berlin Wall:
  • Tensions between East and West increased, so Germans crossed the border over to the West. On the 12th August 1961, East German troops built a barbed wire fence around Berlin and between the East and West. A concrete wall was being made which was 165km long. Berlin was split and the East German refugee problem was fixed.
  • Impact of the wall on US-Soviet relations:
  • Many peple made escape attemps as it cut through villages and buildings. People would jump out of windows, over the wall. West German fire services would catch people, who jumped, in blankets.

2. Cuba

  • Cuban revolution and Soviet relations with Cuba (Bay of Pigs):
  • America was a huge investor with Cuba as they gave Cuba sugar, their main export. The new leader of Cuba, Fidel Castro, didn't want Cuba controlled by America which grew into a crisis threatening world peace.
  • There were 3 main areas of tension:
  • American Government recognised the new government  ut refused to provide economic aid unless Cuba followed guidlines set out by the International Monetary Fund.
  • May 1959, Cuban government took over land in Cuba owned by other nationalities. It paid compensation to previous owners but the US government refused to recognise the scheme. Castro took the land anyway.
  • Khrushchev agreed to buy Cuban sugar and provide economic aid.
  • Events of the Cuban Missile Crisis:
  • Tuesday 14th October, U-2 spy plane took photos of Cuba which showed missile bases being constructed.
  • Saturday 20th October, Kennedy decided on a naval blockade of Cuba to prevent any Soviet ships delivering missiles.
  • Monday 22nd October,Kennedy announced the blockade on TV.
  • Wednesday 24th


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