Ghandi key thinker sheet

  • Created by: Sounoro
  • Created on: 02-02-24 09:27

Born in British india.
Expressed ideas are different from rational and mechanical ideas.
Trained to be a lawyer and started with Plato.
Hind Swaraj 1909(Gandhi book) and is similar to the communist manifesto in terms of how fast he wrote it due to the urgency of it needing to be published.
Pushed for different forms of Indian independence from British rule and not to fall for the Great Lie.
Modern idea of politics was Mechanical and artificial(Gandhi was against it).
A prophetic sense of that kind of society.
Warns of a path of ‘modernity’.
Marx and Engels forseed events which did not happen(bad at prophecy)
The machine stops: ‘machinery allows humans to communicate with each other inside their little pods so they are able to experience a wide range of artificial pleasures where they become wholly dependent on the machine (…) When the machine stops, human communication stops’.
Politics was not about class but about the individual. The individual was the transcendent unit of political life and as individuals, are responsible for our fate.
The idea of indian dependence is a sense of personal independence and self sufficiency.
Gandhi was not an internationalist.
Rejected the idea of political representation being the basis for any sustainable politics due to its mechanical nature.
Gandhi rejected political representation as it is a lie of who people are as individuals. Particularly the representative in Parliament. Representatives were either deceived or self deceived.
Politics detached people from their true selves.
Suspicious under the Rule of Law that he was trained(British law).
Politics needed to…


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