
  • Created by: Samantha
  • Created on: 01-08-15 00:38

Behaviour is a division between nature and nurture. 

Within these chromosomes there's a long string of info which is held by our genes and it holds our DNA.

Explore sister chromatids

In 1 human we have 46 indiv chromos but they're paired up so we have 23 pairs.
** F

I don't really understand chromosomes as pairs, may have to refer to the textbook in order to understand them.

We have 23 pairs of chromosomes 

It's the Males that determine the sex of the child. 

Different chromosomes hold different genes, e.g. chromosome 15 holds the genes for eye colour. 
Within all of these chromosomes we have genetic information aka DNA.

There's only 13,000 genes that are functional but there's a lot of genetic information that we don't use. 

What are genes?
Regions of DNA that are hereditary. They're passed form one generation to another. 

Sequences of DNA are called genes. 

Gregor Mendel is Austrian and he found that when we was trying to breed plants you got each of the characteristics of the parent plants. He had an idea that there were these units of heriditory. 

The nucleus, what is it?

The nucleus has an outer membrane which preserves and promotes the survival of a cell. 

DNA proteins are made from amino acids, it's important that oyu make or incorp these acids into your diet, they help neurotransmitters.

DNA is a self replicating molecule, the DNA splits so that you get a copy of either side called RNA. 
It's a copy of one strand of the DNA.  for DNA to make RNA it's called transcription. In order for the RNA to make protein a triplet of the bases determines which needs to be made. 

If you ahve a chain of amino acids that's called a peptide and a large protein is called a protein. 
Building all of these proteins together helps produce enzymes in our body which in turn produce chemical reactions. 

The process of RNA  bringing these amino acids together, this is called translation. 

Within the human we have 3 billion DNA base baris, A and G + B and C. 

The making of proteins 
e.g. saliva has a protein called "amyloss" which helps to break down the sugars. 
Slide 13 shows the genetic


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