Freud's Psychodynamic Approach

  • There are 3 innate drives: 1) Eros (positive attitudes & behaviours) 2) Thanatos(negative attitudes & behaviours) 3) Libido (source of energy). The first 2 drives act in the form of a "balance" which, if disrupted, could cause extreme behaviour or disorder.

There is an innate structure as the basis of personality:

  • Id = Basic consciousness, no reasoning ability or form of logic, seeks instant gratification, governed by the pleasure principle.
  • Ego = Develops around 6 months due to Id's demands, balances Id and Superego, form of thought based on logic and reasoning, encourages development of higher functions e.g. language.
  • Superego= Develops around 3 years, holds moral reasoning abilities, governed by morality principle and split into 2 parts: 1) Conscience 2) Ego ideal (perfect moral standpoint).

1) Oral Stage (0-1/2 years) - Feeding experience is vital. Oral dependent (over fed) have traits such as being passive/dependent/uninteresting. Oral aggressive (under fed) have traits such


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