f215 module 3 chapter 2



F215 Module 3 - Chapter 2 Populations and sustainability

a. Explain the significance of limiting factors in determining the final size of a population

  • Limiting factors:

Availability of resources-food, water, light, oxygen.

Availability of nesting sites or shelter.

Effects of other species-parasites, predators.

Intensity or competition for resources.

b. Explain the meaning of the term carrying capacity

  • Carrying capacity is the maximum population size that can be maintained over a period of time in a particular habitat.

c. Describe predator-prey relationships and their possible effects on the population size of both the predator and the prey

  1. The predator population gets bigger so more prey is eaten and the prey’s population decreases.
  2. Because the prey’s population is smaller there is less food for the predators.
  3. Due to there being less food, fewer predators can survive so their population decreases.
  4. Because of there being less predators, less prey is eaten so they prey’s population increases.
  5. Because there is more prey the predator population increases.

d. Explain the terms interspecific and intraspecific competition

  • Interspecific competition:

Competition between individuals of different species.

Affects both the population size of a species and the distribution within an ecosystem.

Could include species of the same niche but one will be outcompeted. E.g. Food

  • Intraspecific competition:

Competition between individuals of the same species.

E.g. space for nests.

The individuals that are best adapted will survive and reproduce but those that are not well adapted will not reproduce.

e. Distinguish between the terms conservation and preservation

  • Conservation:

Involves management and reclamation.

Many factors are taken into account.

Can include the reintroduction of species.

  • Preservation:

Protecting areas of land as yet unused by humans.

f. Explain how the management


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