Examine the term ‘miracle’ with reference to three scholars


Examine the term ‘miracle’ with reference to three scholars

  • Swinburne says that miracles are possible because God is omnipotent. If God wanted to intervene then he could suspend laws of nature. Scientific evidence does make accepting a break in the law of nature difficult but there is evidence to suggest that God can do this. To be classed as a miracle then the event must fulfil two criteria whereby it has to have religious significance and it had to occur in a timescale not normally experienced.

  • Holland suggests that laws of nature need not be broken in order for an event to be termed ‘a miracle.’ Miracles are events that are coincidences that can be of benefit to humans and are miracles if interpreted in that way by an individual. They can, however, be interpreted differently which is equally as justifiable. He gave an example of a child on a train track whose mother prayed for his safety. The driver fainted onto the brake lever just


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