Eternal or Everlasting?

  • Created by: wallagee
  • Created on: 20-04-22 22:35

"The eternal God is your refuge and underneath are the everlasting arms"
Does eternal mean timeless or everlasting?

Eternality: God is all-existent
All times are part of the eternal present for God so there is no foreknowledge
God's knowledge (providence) transcends time
Simple Necessity: necessary in itself eg that humans are mortal
Conditional Necessity: a consequence of choice
Our actions are freely chosen. It is necessary for them to be chosen for Providence to see them as chosen, but this is not simple necessity. 
X Boethius assums what is known is known according to the nature of the knower (eternal God knows eternally)
X Anthony Kenny - eternal present means everything occurring at once
X Anselm - eternal present is incoherent, all things rushing at God
X Eternal and outside of time - distant from creation/can't respond to petitionary prayer
Wiles responds that God exists outside of time but his creative activity is ongoing


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