English Homework

  • Created by: xAbiK_
  • Created on: 20-11-17 18:29

Firstly, levels of formality are the style at which your writing adheres to; for example, a much more formal tone may be prescent in an important letter for a job application, whereas a letter to a friend may appear to come across rather differently. These levels of informality are used in spoken language as well, formal language is mainly used in interview situations whereas informal language is seen in casual conversations. We use levels of formality for various reasons, one of them being that we either want to converge or diverge; converge meaning 'coming together' and diverge meaning 'to seperate'. Other reasons may be as simple as fitting in or not wanting to seem like you're not intelligent to the person you're conversating with. Moreover, people across the world use levels of formality without realising they're doing so, in both spoken and written language, although formal language is more common in written pieces and vice versa; it can really define how




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