Energy and life

  • Created by: Natasha
  • Created on: 11-03-13 13:04
  • Chemical reaction results from a gain of an electron, whereas oxidation is the result of a loss of an electron or addition of oxygen 
  • ATP is the cell's energy currency. Energy is put into the molecule to add the third phosphate bond to ADP. When this bond is broken, the released energy can fuel processes taking place in the cell. 
  • Photosynthesis is the process by which plants use the sun's energy to make organic compounds. The sun's energy is captured by pihments such as the green pigments chlorophyll a and be and the orange pigment carotene. The overall result is that carbon dioxide and water are converted into glucose and oxygen 
  • The light dependent reactions of photosynthesis begin when light is captured by a pigement such as chlorophyll. Pigments are found in chloroplasts, which are double-membraned structures containing discs (thylakoids) and which are arranged in stacks called grana. The thylakoids from different grana are connected by membranous lamellae.
  • When light strikes a chlorophyll molecule in photosystem 2, two fo the chlorophylls electrons move to a higher energy state where they can be captured by an electron acceptor and passed along an electron transport chain to another chlorophyll pigment system, photosystem 1. After passing along a second transport chain, the electron are used to reduce NADP to NADPH. The electrons taken from the chlorophyll in photosystem 1 are replaced by electrons from photosystem 2 and in turn are replaced by electrons taken from water so forming oxygen. 
  • Protons become more concentrated…


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