
  • Created by: F.W1234
  • Created on: 08-05-18 18:49

Aboitic factors:  CO2 levels, light intensity, temperature, soil pH levels, moisture levels.

Different organisms are adapted to different abiotic factors.

Changes in Abiotic factors can influenece populations:

1) Decrease in light intensity = plants rate of photosynthesis will decrease, they may die (decreas in the plant population) = animals that consume those plants may die if they are strongly dependant on that plant.

Biotic factors: New preditors, new diseases, more competition, availability of food.


1) Behavioural: Migration to warmer climates during the winter to avoid problems that come with cold weathers.

2) Structural: Features of an organisms body, e.g a snow fox has white fur so they're camouflaged against preditors and they can sneak up on prey.

3) Functional: Inside an organisms body, e.g Desert animals conserve water by producing very little sweat and small amount of concentrated urine.

Food Chains:

1) Producers (5000 Plants)

2) Primary consumers (100 Rabits)

3) Secondary consumers ( 1 Fox)

Quadrats: Used to…


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