Detailed Global Hazard notes - AS

  • Created by: georgie23
  • Created on: 05-10-15 09:28


Global Hazards

Something that has the potential to damage to environment and/or people


·      Natural processes


-       Geophysical - formed by tectonic/geological processes

(internal processes of tectonic origin) 


- Hydrometerological - formed by hydrological (floods) and atmospheric (storms etc.)

·      Natural-technological disasters – hazards triggering natural disasters

·      Technological accidents – Chernobyl nuclear plant exploding

·      Chronic – global scale influenced by humans e.g. Global warming

·      Super – global scale, nature e.g. super volcanoes


Dregg’s model of defining disaster




The disaster is larger when vulnerable population or hazards are larger – causing larger overlap


Swiss Re Definition – 20 people

                                    $16 million

                                    = DISASTER



Risk = Hazards x vulnerability

Capacity to cope


World is becoming riskier place?

Population increasing leading to

More crime

Hazards affecting more people

More man made risks


Medical care is improving

Technology is improving




Why is it too simplistic to say that there is a rising trend in Natural Hazards?

·      Man-made ones are becoming more frequent whereas natural ones are monitored and prevented

·      Different areas are affected and protected differently

·      Massive topic so no set trend with potential fluctuations

·      Technology improved so more recorded now than in past

·      People living in high concentrated slums, resulting in more deaths

·      New technology meaning different measurements, therefore not valid to compare

·      Definition of ‘hazard’ can vary

·      Remote areas aren’t always recorded



·      Estimated between 9.0 to 9.3 on the Richter scale

·      Thrust heaved the floor of the Indian ocean towards Indonesia by about 15b meters

·      Shock waves were sent throughout the oceans and hit land

·      These shallow and long shock waves hit Sri Lanka at almost 17m high

Sri Lanka

·      2nd most effected country

·      30 000 dead

·      5700 missing

·      860 000 displaced

·      Tsunami destroyed economy due to fishing and tourism almost wiped out

·      Most deaths occurred in Ampara due to vulnerable population – 56% of deaths were children


Many areas in countries who were economically benefitting from rapidly growing tourism – mangroves removed to place tourist attractions

Damage was drastically reduced in areas that maintained their natural flood barriers



(How formed page 20)

·      Average of 84 homes destroyed a year

·      Fewer deaths now – averaging at 5 a year

Two methods have been used to reduce deaths and increase safety

·      Controlled burning

Regular burning of leaf litter to reduce the


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