crime and punishment- crimes throughout the years


types of crime and punishments<3

Middle Ages: Crime, punishment and law enforcement, 1000-1500

Saxons Crimes, punishments and law enforcement. CRIMES - Crimes against individuals, property, authority.

PUNISHMENTS - Capital Punishment (hangings), Corporal punishments (whippings & mutilation), Stocks & pillory, Wergild (fines).

LAW ENFORCEMENT - Tithing, Hue and cry, Court trials, Trial by ordea

Normans,  Crimes, punishments and law enforcement, CRIMES – Poaching, crimes against property, crimes against authority (treason).

PUNISHMENTS - Capital punishment, Corporal Punishments (whipping and mutilation), Stocks & pillory, Fines given to the king, Murdrum fine.

LAW ENFORCEMENT - Trial by combat, Trial by ordeal, Tithings, Royal Forest Laws, Hue and Cry, Court trials.

Later Middle Ages CRIMES - Statute of Labourers, treason, heresy.

PUNISHMENTS - Capital Punishment (hun,g drawn and quartered) Burning at the stake, Murdrum Fine ended but fines continued.

LAW ENFORCEMENT – Constables, night watchmen, Hue and Cry, trial by ordeal ends, Coroners, Justices of the Peace, Justices in the Eyre, Court trials.

Early Modern Period: Crime, punishment and law enforcement, 1500-1700

Industrial crimes Smuggling, Poaching, Highway robbery, Swearing an Illegal Oath (Tolpuddle Martyrs)

Industrial punishments Transportation to Australia (ends in the 1800s), Bloody Code (ends in the 1800s), Prisons (heavily used from 1800s)

Industrial law enforcement Town constable and night watchmen (in the 1700s), Bow Street Runners, Metropolitan Police, Mounted patrols (for highway robbery).

Modern Period: Crime, punishment and law enforcement, 1900-today

Modern crimes, abortion, domestic violence, driving offences including drink driving, drugs, cybercrimes, extortion, fraud, copyright theft, terrorism, people trafficking

Modern punishments Prison (most severe


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