

Types of conformity

Kelman (1958) proposed two types of conformity:

1. Compliance: going along with others to gain their approval or avoid their disapproval - when an individual is exposed to the views/actions of a majority, they engage in social comparison. This results in public compliance, without private attitude change

2. Internalisation: going along with others because you have accepted their pov because it is consistent with your own - when an individual is exposed to views of a group, they examine their own beliefs. They may convince themselves that they are wrong and the group is right. This leads to public and private acceptance of the groups beliefs 

Informational social influence: this is where people conform because they are uncertain about what to do in a certain situation, so they look to others for guidance. This leads to internalisation. 

Sherif (1936)

Aim: to test the hypothesis that 'people use the behaviour of others to decide what to do'

Method: studied 'autokinetic effecr' - an optical illusion in which a sationary spot of light in a room looks like its moving. Pp's were asked individually to estimate how far the light moved.

Findings: pp's changed their individual views and converged on a group estimate

Conclusions: pp's conformed as part of informational social influence and therefore this study supports the hypothesis that people use the behaviour of other to decide what to do. 

Jenness' Jelly Beans (1932)

1) asked individuals to guess how many jelly beans were in a jar

2) group then had to arrive at a group estimate

3) individuals interviewed after and asked if they would like to change their estimate.Almost all…


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