Conflict and Tension


Conflict and Tension.

Peace making.

The end of the War:

By November 1918 it was clear that the German army was beaten and there were retreating. Germany was in chaos because troops had low morale, the navy had mutinied and there were widespread food and fuel shortages across the country. This triggered a number of revolts across the country and on the 9th of November,the kaiser abdicated. Germany decided to ask for an armistice and they hoped the terms would be fair; they were not. The signing of the armisitce took place on 11th November 1918. The terms of the armisitce included: German troops will evacuate France and Belgium within 2 weeks. Germany will surrender there heavy weapons and the naval blockeade on Germany will remain in place. It was also decided that Germany would take the blame for the War and pay the reperations. Following the signing of the armistice, negotiations got underway for an official and lasting peace settlement. This was known as the Treaty of Versailles. Talks began in Janurary 1918 with 30 countries represented. The defeated countries, including Germany and Austria were not invited.

The Big Three At Paris:

Woodrow Wilson wanted the settlement to be based on his Fourteen Points which included the future conflicts should be resolved by diplomacy rather than military conflict. He suggested that countries should be able to to govern themselves. and that a League of Nations should be set up. He didnt agree with empires and he wanted countries to disarm. His ideas worried Lloyd George in some ways eg/empires.

Lloyd George didnt want to punish Germany but he didnt want to punish them to harshly as they wanted to trade with Germany in the future and he was worried that Germany may turn into Communism if it was


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