The Cold War: introduction

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  • The Cold War
    • East - communists, USSR, iron curtain.
      • superpower countries = USA and USSA.
        • why? because after the war they still have a strong military and economic situation.
        • West- capitalists, USA, Britain, France etc.
          • The west believed communist east to be evil. And communist East believed capitalist west to be evil.
    • After WW2 ended the superpowers (USSR and USA) no longer had a common enemy.
      • Tensions between them re-emerged and the world began to see their conflict as a threat to world peace.
    • Both superpower countries had different ideologies.
      • The USA was a capitalist country.
        • which meant it had multiple political parties, a free economy, differences and private owned businesses.
      • The USSR was a communist country.
        • which meant that it had a one party gov, controlled economy, businessesare state owned and their is a lower standard of living.
    • West- capitalists, USA, Britain, France etc.
      • The west believed communist east to be evil. And communist East believed capitalist west to be evil.


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