Chapter 5 - Enzymes

  • Created by: E456
  • Created on: 13-03-17 15:39


  • catalyst= a substance that increases the rate of a chemical reaction and is not changed by the reaction. 
  • enzymes= proteins that function as biologcal catalysts. 
  • Chemical reactions are sometimes called metabolic reactions. Almost every metabolic reaction is controlled by catalysts called enzymes.
  • Starch is digested to the sugar maltose by an enzyme calld amylase.
  • Protein is digested to amino acids by protease. 
  • Catalase is another enzyme which speeds up the breakdown of a substance. It breaks down hydrogen peroxide to water and oxygen. 
  • Not all enzymes help break things down; many enzymes help to make large molecules from small ones. 
  • carbohydrases= enzymes which catalyse the breakdown of carbohydrates. 
  • proteases= enzymes which catalyse the breakdown of proteases. 
  • lipases= enzymes which catalyse the breakdown of fats (lipids).
  • The carbohydrase that breaks down starch is called amylase.
  • The carbohyrase that breaks down maltose is called maltase.
  • The carbohydrase that breaks down sucrose is sucrase. 
  • The lock and key mechanism is when a substrate molecule fits perfectly into an enzyme.


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