chapter 2 - search for Mr Hyde


Henry Jekyll's will is mysterious

  • Utterson has Jekyll's will which say is he disappears or dies all his things must go to Edward Hyde
  • Utterson suspects that Hyde is backmailing Jekyll
  • Utterson visits Lannyon and find out that Lannyon and Jekyll have fallon out over scientific work
  • Lannyon says that Jekyll's work is "unscientific balderdash" which hints that Jekyll's experiments are taking a darker direction than conventional science
  • Utterson leaves none the wiser about who Hyde is and why Jekyll is so intrested in him
  • Lack of information about Hyde leaves Utetrson unselted
  • he dreams that he's "haunted" by a man with no face who appears on every street of an almost nightmarish version of London
  • the dreams show that Hyde is afecting Utterson's subconscious and leaves him wanting to see Hyde's face so that "the mysery would lighten" - visual evidence is important to the rational Utterson.

key theme - science: Jekyll is interested in the "fanciful" side of science, whereas Lannyon is a more traditional scientist 

Utterson meets Hyde and feels unselted

  • It's late at night and the street were "solitary"


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