Carmichael, Hogan and Walter (1932) An Experimental Study of the Effect of Language on the Reproduction of Visually Perceived Form

  • Created by: Hey
  • Created on: 29-05-19 08:17

 Topic 8—Perception

Carmichael, Hogan and Walter (1932) An Experimental Study of the Effect of Language on the Reproduction of Visually Perceived Form


  • To see if the words used to describe an ambiguous object could affect the way participants would later redraw the image.
  • To focus specifically on the influence of language on how visual images were perceived, by controlling other possible influences wherever possible.


  • 95 participants (60 females & 35 males) who were divided into 3 groups, all containing a fairly even mix of males & females.
  • All 3 groups were shown a visual display of 121 stimulus figures, which were black line drawings on white card.
  • The pictures were shown on a white cardboard disc, 19cm in diameter, divided into 30 sections.
  • A picture was placed on every other sector of the disc & then there was a gap of 7 blank sectors between the last in the sequence & the first one being shown again.
  • When the pictures were shown to 2 of the groups of participants, a word/phrase was heard just before the picture appeared.
  • So when the blank sector of the circle appeared just before the image, they heard the words ‘The next picture resembles…’ & then the word/phrase.
  • The 1st group (48 participants) heard the first version of the word list to accompany the pictures.
  • The 2nd group (38 participants) heard the second version of the word list alongside the pictures.
  • The 3rd group (9 participants) was a control group who saw the pictures but without hearing any words.
  • After the participants had seen all 12 pictures, they were asked to try to draw the pictures as clearly as they could in any order.
  • If they could no


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