B18.12 Sustainable food production


Food miles

Food miles refer to the distance food has travelled to get from where it was produced to where it is sold. Some people are concerned about the environmental impact of transporting goods over great distances. Many of the foods we eat are grown in other countries where the climate is different. Some of the food harvested in the UK is sent abroad to be processed. This adds miles to the journey of an item of food and therefore means more transport costs and more pollution.

Local farmers' markets are increasing in the UK. They are helping to encourage people to buy fresh, local food.

It is important to remember that locally-produced food may not always be better for the environment. For example, some foods do not grow easily in the UK and need heated greenhouses. This means the food produced locally may have a larger carbon footprint than that grown in a warmer climate.


Global production issues

As consumers, we are able to buy goods from around the world in shops and through the internet.


Carbon footprints

Some goods are made up of parts that are manufactured in different countries. A carbon footprint is a measure of how much carbon is used in the production and transportation of a product. It is better for the environment to consume goods with a


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