Writing to Advise

Writing to advise in AQA English paper 1; Writing to Argue, Persuade and Advise.


Writing to Advise

The anagram then futher detail later! 

A - Advice must be clear.

D - Do keep in role.

V - Vocabulary should include modal verbs.

I - Informal but polite, use imperatives.

C - Choices must be given.

E - Encourage and motivate.

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Advice must be clear!

Don't get all the advise muddled up and use a clear layout so it is easy to follow and read!

Use phrases like:

- You need to follow these three steps for success...

- The first thing to do is...

- First of all...

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Do keep in role!

Basically in simple terms, remember who you are trying to be, you already have experienced what you are advising on so act like you know what you are talking about!

Use phrases like:

- It is my professional opinion that...

- Many young people come to me for advice...

- In my own personal experience...

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Vocabulary should include modal verbs!

Modal verbs are a polite way of offering advice and they help to avoid a patronizing effect.

Use words like:

- can, will, shall, may, could, would, should, might, must, ought to.

Example: You could organise a fundraiser to raise extra money. 

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Informal but polite!

This, if done effectively, will gain the trust of the reader because of its friendly tone and in turn make the examiner love you.

Use phrases like:

- Get your friends to help you...

- Good luck...

- Don't panic

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Choices must be given

Don't base your whole piece of writing on one idea, because basically if your idea doesn't work you're screwed. 

Use phrases like:

- You must talk to your parents or another adult...

- Alternatively...

- If this doesn't work then...

- A few other options are...

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Encourage and Motivate

Building up the reader's confidence is key, make them feel as though they can anything.

Use phrases like:

- Things may seem bad but don't worry...

- You can be successful if you...

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Other things to consider when writing to advise:

Striking Opening with positive vocab throughout

Comparative devices (comparing points higlights the effectiveness of your advice)


Imperatives (adds instruction e.g. Think about..)

First and Second person (to create a relation between you and the reader)

Questions and Rhetorical questions

Bullet points and Exclamation marks

Conditional tense (could, should, will, must)

Concluding paragraph - the summary of your piece.

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