Why did the Liberal Government introduce reforms?

  • Created by: SLowther
  • Created on: 10-11-16 19:51

Healthy Soldiers and the Boer War

  • Needed healthy, fit soldiers to fight in the Boer war 1899-1902. 
  • Almost half of men were too unwell to serve.
  • Government set up a comitee to investigate the issue.
  • Recommended to pass reforms to reduce poverty and to increase men's health.
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Political Rivalry

  • Labour party pledged better living and working conditions for working people.
  • Liberals were worried by this and thought the poor would vote for Labour.
  • if wroking classes were healthier and happier, there would be less support for the revolutionary movement in Europe.
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The Social Reformers

  • Booth, Rowntree and Galt highlighted the seriousness of poverty.
  • Discovered poverty was caused by many factors.
  • Encouraged the Government to help the poor.
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Need for effective work force

  • Lloyd George was impressed by welfare programme in Germany.
  • Germany's rapid development was linked to its healthier and better educated work force.
  • Britains position as the worlds leading industrial power was being challenged and Lyoyd George wanted to change that.
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New Liberalism

  • David Lloyd George and Winston Churchill were younger and exciting liberals
  • They believed the Government should provide the framework whereby everyone can support themselves 
  • Believed it was morally wrong that extreme poverty should exsist beside incredible wealth 
  • It should be right to tax the rich to raise money for the poor 
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Increasing Information about Poverty

  • Information about poverty sent to the government by other sources such as Salvation army, doctors , local officials and charities.
  • Reports highlighted the need to improve essential services 
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