Weimar Germany

  • Created by: Mazza24
  • Created on: 23-05-15 15:56

Gustav Stresemann and his economic Policies

  • Young Plan 1929: The Young Plan further reduced reparations to 112 billion Gold Marks – then equal to about $8 billion. The money was set to be paid over 59 years with the equivalent of $473 million paid each year.
  • Kellogs Briand Pact 1928: The Kellogg-Briand Pact was an agreement to outlaw war signed on August 27, 1928. Sometimes called the Pact of Paris for the city in which it was signed, the pact was one of many international efforts to prevent another World War
  • League of Nations 1926:Germany was accepted into the League of Nations in 1926 and was seen more trustworthy by other countries 
  • Locarno Treaties 1925 The following terms were agreed:Germany accepted the borders with France and Belgium that were decided in the Treaty of Versailles and Britain and Italy said they would protect France if Germany violated these borders,Germany accepted that the Rhineland would remain a demilitarised zone,France and Germany agreed to settle any disputes through the League
  • Dawes Plan 1924: was an attempt in 1924 to solve the reparations problem, which had bedeviled international politics following World War I and the Treaty of Versailles. It was agreed that American would pay Germany £8 million in loans to help improve it economically.
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