
notes on weberianisism and inequality

  • Created by: Beth
  • Created on: 17-06-11 12:37


  • Weber was described as the ghost of Marx
  • He said that social inequality was because of 3 things, these were : Class, status and party
  • Weberians believe that some people have better life chances than others
  • they believe that social class is a group of people who have similar market and work situations
  • they also believe that people can have social mobility between classes
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similarities between Marx and Weber

  • Both Marx and Weber were concerned with who owns private property and who doesn't
  • both use a macro-structural approach
  • both saw the economic system of production as being an important source of social class
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Differences between Marx and Weber

  • Weber rejected the 2 class model
  • He rejected that power was determined by ownership or non-ownership of the means of production
  • Weber identified 3 separate sources of power which he said had direct effort on people's lives
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Weberian views on gender

  • men and women have different places to do with horizontal and vertical segregation
  • Baron and Norris (1976) believe that there are 2 labour markets: primary (high pay and secure jobs) and secondary (low pay with poor promotion)
  • women are more likely than men to be in the secondary labour market.
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Weberianism and ethnicity

  • Ethnicity is more important than economic differences when explaining inequalities
  • Marginalised and almost underclass


  • Parkin (1968)- minority ethnic groups are negatively privileged status groups- the glass ceiling becomes a concrete one- this means that for some groups, you can't see through the glass ceiling and certainly cannot reach the top jobs, this could then link to institutional racism.
  • Rex and Moore (1967)- minority groups are severly disadvantaged in the labour market- life chances and market position is bad compared to what it is for white people
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