Ways in which people experience God explanations - Religious Studies OCR revision

  • Created by: phanson2
  • Created on: 01-02-18 16:02

God revealed through scripture.

  • Christians believe that God reveals Himself through the Bible.
  • The Bible was written over a long period of time by many different authors.
  • The Bible contains various styles of writing including history, law, poetry, prophesy & letters.
  • Before being translated in English it was written in Hebrew, Aramaic & Greek.
  • To some Christians the Bible is the word of God.
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The Bible as the word of God.

  • Some Christians believe that the Bible is literally God's words recorded.
  • They don't believe that there are any errors in the Bible.
  • These Christians are called fundamentalists.
  • A positive of this view is that it doesn't require ay interpretation and can be followed as it's written.
  • A negative of this view is that it doesn't account for the changes in society since the Bible was written.
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Conservative interpretation of the Bible.

  • These Christians believe that the Bible should be the main source of authority but that it can be adapted to suit today's lifestyles.
  • A positive of this view is that they can adapt beliefs to suit them.
  • A negative of this view is that you can't be sure that you are truly following the Christian path.
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Liberal views of the Bible.

  • Liberal Christians see the Bible as more symbolic or mythical but still follow it as best they can.
  • A positive of this view is that it allows you to accept religion as well as science.
  • A negative of this view is that it makes the Bible appear less important.
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God revealed through Christ.

  • For Christians the most significant way in which God revealed Himself to humans was when He was incarnated as Jesus.
  • 'The Word (Jesus) became flesh and made his dwelling among us. We have seen his glory, the glory of the one and only, who came from the Father.' (John 1:14).
  • This reflects the Christian belief that God Himself took human form by coming to Earth as Jesus- God's way of demonstarting His love for humanity.
  • Jesus was fully human and so was aware of human emotion, however, he was also fully God and so remained perfect in all ways.
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God acting in the world: Miracles.

  • A miracle is an event which seems to defy the laws of science and physics and has no scientific explanation.
  • Sometimes a miracle can be a long line of coincidences.
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Biblical miracles.

  • The resurrection of Christ is considered to be the greatest miracle, it demonstrates the Christian belief that God was incarnate.
  • Many Christians believe that God still interacts with the world today through miracles.
  • Biblical miracles can be divided into 4 main categories:
    • Healing miracles - when someone unwell returns to good health.
    • Raising the dead - when somebody declared dead comes back to life.
    • Miracles over nature - when the natural elements are controlled.
    • Exorcisms - when a person believed to be possessed by an evil spirit has that evil spirit sent out of the body.
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Modern-day miracles.

  • Many Christians disagree about the authenticity of miracles, but most believe that miracles can be performed today.
  • FOR:
    • In August 1879 an omage of the Virgin Mary, St Joseph and St John appeared on the wall of a Catholic church in the village of Knock in Northern Ireland. More than a dozen people saw it and said that it reached almost to the ground and was very bright, and that when they tried to touch it they could only feel the wall.
    • In 1858 Bernadette Soubirous saw an apparition of a lady in a grotto. Over five months the lasy appeared 18 times. Bernadette was told to 'drink from the fountain', and although there was no water, Bernadette dug until a pool of water appeared. This water is said to have miraculous healing powers.
    • They say that He revealed Himself through Jesus and is therefore not required to reveal Himself again.
    • They are also concerned that miracles could be seen as random or immoral.
    • Eg. if God chooses to heal a broken arm over stopping the spread of malaria that raises questions about His benevolence and omnipotence.
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