Verb Endings - Present Tense (excluding irregular verbs)


The 'Person's


1ST - I (Yo)

2ND - You (Tu)

3RD - He/She (él/ella)


1ST - We (Nosotros)

2ND - You (Vestotros)

3RD - They (ellos/ellas)

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-AR Verbs

eg. COCINAR - to cook

I cook - Cocino

You (sg) cook - Cocinas

He/She cooks - Cocina

We cook - Cocinamos

You (pl) cook - Cocináis

They cook - Cocinan

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-ER Verbs

eg. BEBER - to drink

I drink - Bebo

You (sg) drink - Bebes

He/She drinks - Bebe

We drink - Bebemos

You (pl) drink - Bebéis

They drink - Beben

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-IR Verbs

eg. VIVIR - to live

I live - Vivo

You (sg) live - Vives

He/She lives - Vive

We live - Vivimos

You (pl) live - Vivír

They live - Viven

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