Uploading Demand Forecasts

  • Created by: ellieedf
  • Created on: 09-04-20 11:31


Demand forecasts are uploaded by VF into Alinge via ETRM Hub.

The STT recieves new forecasts at 07:30, 12:30, 19:30 and 00:30 are referred to as the F1, F2, F3 and F4.

Ad-hoc demand forecast changes may also be sent through during normal business hours by the Demand Forecasting team as market conditions may prompt a significant change to EDF Energy's customer consumption profiles e.g. Triad warnings.

This process is an important part of minimisng EDF Energy's exposure to imbalance charges through demand forecasting inaccuracies.

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  • When a new demand forecasr is ready to be uploaded into Alinge, to automated emails will be recieved. One email will appear in the EMC Notificatioins inbox and is used to indiciate that the demand fail is available for upload. The other email will automatically be forwarded to the "Demand Forecasts" email folder and has an excel sheet that shows the changes. 
  • When these have been received, STT should monitor the EMC Notifications inbox for two ETRM Hub emails which confirm the forecast has been uploaded into Alinge's forecast book
  • An automatic Alinge batch is run half hourly (5 mins and 35 mins past each hour) to move volume change from the forecast book to the Target Trade Postion, causing volume changes in the consumption account. 
  • Manually running batch STT_TTP_RELEASE will release the volume into the position earlier.
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