Developmental Psychology


Aggression: NICHD

1000 American children from various backgrounds and was a longitudinal study.

At age 5 the study showed, the more time children spent in daycare the more they were classed as disobiedient and aggressive(same results even with better quality care)

Possitive correlation between the time spent in daycare and the amount of aggressive behaviour.


  • Only a correlation isnt definate that daycare was the cause of the aggression.
  • When looking into the results 83% of children spending 10-30 hrs per week showed no increase in aggression.
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Aggression: EPPE

3000+ UK Children aged 3-4 in pre school education. E.g Chilminders,nursery, playgroup, private nurseries.

The children were individually assessed at 3-4 yrs and then again once they went to primary school.

  • Pre school attendance improved all of the childrens cognitive development and peer sociability
  • Disadvantaged children(who havent been to day care) increased risk of anti social behaviour.
  • Pre school that provided good quality care and integrated learing into play promoted better intellectual and social development.

In conclusion this study says pre school which gives high quality care and integrates learing into play will significantly boost your childs development.

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Naturalistic observation of 3-4yr old children.

They were video taped during play time in the first 10 weeks of pre school.

·       Children were more sociable the longer they stayed at Nursery.

·       Level of aggressive behaviour towards eachother decreased.

·       The changes were more greater in the children that attended for 5 days rather than just 2.


Why did some children only attend for 2 days?

Other factors will affect sociability and aggression e.g individual differences, quality of care recieved at home etc.

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