Types of conformity



Compliance is a superficial type of conformity because the people will publicly agree with the group but privately disagree. And is therefore temporary.

E.g: the conformer wants a reward, they don’t want to be punished.

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When an individual changes their beliefs and behaviour to develop or maintain group identity.

It often occurs in groups with expectations regarding their social role (e.g teachers)

It's a fairly strong type of conformity as the person publicly and privately agrees with the group so they conform even when the group is not present.

But it’s temporary and will stop once the person isn’t a part of the group anymore.

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When people conform as they genuinely believe the group was right, it's also known as conversion.

This is the deepest type of conformity as the person publicly and privately agrees with the group.

It is the strongest type as its permanent and will exist even if the group isn’t present. 

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